


欧米での慰安婦決議で問題にされているのは国家が慰安婦制度という人身売買制度を公認し積極的に運用し女性たちを動員したことです。「日本は慰安婦を強制連行したと言う事実をもって、アメリカは…非難している。(橋下twitter 5/17)」なんて藁人形をいくら批判しても無意味です。

歴代駐日米大使 歴史認識で議論 - NHKニュース




時事ドットコム:河野談話の堅持求める=慰安婦問題で比外務省 時事ドットコム:河野談話の堅持求める=慰安婦問題で比外務省


Japan mayor told: Watch your mouth on comfort women | Inquirer Global Nation

(ラウル・ヘルナンデス(Raul Hernandez)報道官)
MANILA, Philippines―The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Wednesday reminded Japanese officials to be careful in commenting about “comfort women” as the issue of wartime sexual abuse continues to rankle in the Philippines.
DFA spokesperson Assistant Secretary Raul Hernandez recalled how other Japanese officials had issued apologies in previous years for the abuse that this group of Filipino women suffered from Japanese soldiers.
“The Philippine government has always urged Japanese authorities to be more circumspect in their public statements relating to this issue as they strike at the core of the feelings and sensitivities of those who experienced great suffering during World War 2,” Hernandez said Wednesday.
He was commenting on the reported remarks that Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto had made last Monday, in which the mayor called the comfort women system instituted by the invading Japanese military as a “necessary” part of maintaining the well-being of Japanese soldiers.
Under the system, some 200,000 women in the Philippines, China and Korea were forced to serve as sex slaves of the Japanese Imperial Army during the war.
Hashimoto, an outspoken nationalist, was quoted to have said: “For soldiers who risked their lives in circumstances where bullets are flying around like rain and wind, if you want them to get some rest, a comfort women system was necessary. That’s clear to anyone.”
“The Philippines reiterates the importance of adhering to the language and tone” of apologies from Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono in 1993 and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s 2002, Hernandez said.
In a letter to Filipino comfort women, Koizumi had called the systematic sexual slavery of women as a “grave affront to the honor and dignity of large numbers of women” as he recognized that it inflicted both physical and psychological wounds on the victims.
Harry Roque, the chair of the Center for International Law who represents a group of Filipino comfort women, called on the government to lodge a diplomatic protest with the Japanese government for the Osaka mayor’s remarks.
“The statement is crass, obscene and is an attempt to justify a criminal act under international law. Specifically, rape and all forms of degrading and humiliating treatment committed in the context of an armed conflict have always been illegal under oath customary international law and under the Geneva Conventions,” said Roque in a statement.
Roque represents the Malaya Lolas, a group of women “who were raped systematically” by Japanese soldiers during the war in Candaba, Pampanga.
He said Japan could be held liable for Hashimoto’s statement as it was made in public and falls under the United Nations’ Articles of State resolution, which “provides that all acts and/or statements by state organs may give rise to attribution to the state.”
Advocacy groups in the Philippines, particularly those who are helping Filipino comfort women in their protracted battle to obtain justice, have been incensed by Hashimoto’s remarks.
There is no acceptable reason to abuse and treat women as sex slaves, said Luz Ilagan, another Gabriela House member.
“How can you justify rape, molestation and sexual abuse as a necessary act? Rape and sexual slavery are heinous crimes,” she said.


慰安婦制度「日本政府による強制的な軍の買春システム」NY州下院が決議 橋下発言の前に - MSN産経ニュース 慰安婦制度「日本政府による強制的な軍の買春システム」NY州下院が決議 橋下発言の前に - MSN産経ニュース





2013/5/17 英BBC
Japan mayor's sex slave remarks 'outrageous' - US | BBC News
The US has condemned recent remarks by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto justifying Japan's war-time use of sex slaves as "outrageous and offensive".
米国は「言語道断で不快」と、日本の戦時 性的奴隷の利用を正当化している橋下徹大阪市長の発言を非難した

"Mayor Hashimoto's comments were outrageous and offensive," said state department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.
国務省のジェン・サキ(Jen Psaki)報道官は、橋下市長の発言について「言語道断で不快だ」と述べた。
"What happened in that era to these women who were trafficked for sexual purposes is deplorable and clearly a grave human rights violation of enormous proportions," she said

「常軌逸した不快な発言」橋下代表発言に米国務省(13/05/17) ANNnewsCH









Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress
(PDFファイル)2013年 アメリカ議会調査局 報告書 英語原文


2013/3/4 オバマ政権高官:日本は「慰安婦」問題にもっと本気で取り組むべき。一方、安倍首相は… - Transnational History オバマ政権高官:日本は「慰安婦」問題にもっと本気で取り組むべき。一方、安倍首相は… - Transnational History

2013/1/31 メル凸裏目に? NY州議会で「慰安婦」決議採択 - Transnational History メル凸裏目に? NY州議会で「慰安婦」決議採択 - Transnational History