慰安婦めぐるヘイトスピーチ、国連委が日本に改善求める - 朝日新聞デジタル
The United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
原文docファイル E/C.12/JPN/CO/3
26. The Committee is concerned about the lasting negative effects of the exploitation to which ‘comfort women’ were subjected on their enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights and their entitlement to reparation. (art. 11, 3)
The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to address the lasting effects of the exploitation and to guarantee the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights by ‘comfort women’. The Committee also recommends that the State party educate the public on the exploitation of ‘comfort women’ so as to prevent hate speech and other manifestations that stigmatize them.
欧米での慰安婦決議で問題にされているのは国家が慰安婦制度という人身売買制度を公認し積極的に運用し女性たちを動員したことです。「日本は慰安婦を強制連行したと言う事実をもって、アメリカは…非難している。(橋下twitter 5/17)」なんて藁人形をいくら批判しても無意味です。
■歴代駐日米大使 歴史認識で議論 - NHKニュース
Japan mayor told: Watch your mouth on comfort women | Inquirer Global Nation
(ラウル・ヘルナンデス(Raul Hernandez)報道官)
MANILA, Philippines―The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Wednesday reminded Japanese officials to be careful in commenting about “comfort women” as the issue of wartime sexual abuse continues to rankle in the Philippines.
DFA spokesperson Assistant Secretary Raul Hernandez recalled how other Japanese officials had issued apologies in previous years for the abuse that this group of Filipino women suffered from Japanese soldiers.
“The Philippine government has always urged Japanese authorities to be more circumspect in their public statements relating to this issue as they strike at the core of the feelings and sensitivities of those who experienced great suffering during World War 2,” Hernandez said Wednesday.
He was commenting on the reported remarks that Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto had made last Monday, in which the mayor called the comfort women system instituted by the invading Japanese military as a “necessary” part of maintaining the well-being of Japanese soldiers.
Under the system, some 200,000 women in the Philippines, China and Korea were forced to serve as sex slaves of the Japanese Imperial Army during the war.
Hashimoto, an outspoken nationalist, was quoted to have said: “For soldiers who risked their lives in circumstances where bullets are flying around like rain and wind, if you want them to get some rest, a comfort women system was necessary. That’s clear to anyone.”
“The Philippines reiterates the importance of adhering to the language and tone” of apologies from Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono in 1993 and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s 2002, Hernandez said.
In a letter to Filipino comfort women, Koizumi had called the systematic sexual slavery of women as a “grave affront to the honor and dignity of large numbers of women” as he recognized that it inflicted both physical and psychological wounds on the victims.
Harry Roque, the chair of the Center for International Law who represents a group of Filipino comfort women, called on the government to lodge a diplomatic protest with the Japanese government for the Osaka mayor’s remarks.
“The statement is crass, obscene and is an attempt to justify a criminal act under international law. Specifically, rape and all forms of degrading and humiliating treatment committed in the context of an armed conflict have always been illegal under oath customary international law and under the Geneva Conventions,” said Roque in a statement.
Roque represents the Malaya Lolas, a group of women “who were raped systematically” by Japanese soldiers during the war in Candaba, Pampanga.
He said Japan could be held liable for Hashimoto’s statement as it was made in public and falls under the United Nations’ Articles of State resolution, which “provides that all acts and/or statements by state organs may give rise to attribution to the state.”
Advocacy groups in the Philippines, particularly those who are helping Filipino comfort women in their protracted battle to obtain justice, have been incensed by Hashimoto’s remarks.
There is no acceptable reason to abuse and treat women as sex slaves, said Luz Ilagan, another Gabriela House member.
“How can you justify rape, molestation and sexual abuse as a necessary act? Rape and sexual slavery are heinous crimes,” she said.
■慰安婦制度「日本政府による強制的な軍の買春システム」NY州下院が決議 橋下発言の前に - MSN産経ニュース
2013/5/17 英BBC
■Japan mayor's sex slave remarks 'outrageous' - US | BBC News
The US has condemned recent remarks by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto justifying Japan's war-time use of sex slaves as "outrageous and offensive".
米国は「言語道断で不快」と、日本の戦時 性的奴隷の利用を正当化している橋下徹・大阪市長の発言を非難した
"Mayor Hashimoto's comments were outrageous and offensive," said state department spokeswoman Jen Psaki.
米国務省のジェン・サキ(Jen Psaki)報道官は、橋下市長の発言について「言語道断で不快だ」と述べた。
"What happened in that era to these women who were trafficked for sexual purposes is deplorable and clearly a grave human rights violation of enormous proportions," she said
「常軌逸した不快な発言」橋下代表発言に米国務省(13/05/17) ANNnewsCH
Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress
(PDFファイル)2013年 アメリカ議会調査局 報告書 英語原文
2013/3/4 オバマ政権高官:日本は「慰安婦」問題にもっと本気で取り組むべき。一方、安倍首相は… - Transnational History
Japan marks 'return of sovereignty' day - BBC News
「“The event is seen as part of Mr Abe's nationalist campaign.” このイベント(主権回復式典)は、安倍氏の国家主義キャンペーンの一環として見られている。」
「“It was the latest in a series of events and remarks that have angered Japan's Asian neighbours.” それは、日本の近隣諸国を怒らせた一連の出来事および発言の最新作だった。」
沖縄タイムス | 4・28政府式典:突然の「天皇陛下万歳」
2013/4/29 歴史問題で安倍首相を批判 - MSN産経ニュース
該当の、英紙フィナンシャル・タイムズ 社説
こちらを参照:1936年時の内地における娼妓の状況 - 誰かの妄想・はてな版
公娼制は当時の日本では「当たり前」だったか? - Apes! Not Monkeys! はてな別館
安倍首相と産経の藁人形論法なんだが→ 慰安婦問題で首相、「ブッシュに謝罪」報道を完全否定
慰安婦問題で首相、「ブッシュに謝罪」報道を完全否定 (産経新聞) - Yahoo!ニュース
産経新聞 3月8日(金)11時26分配信
32:55 〜 辻元議員の質疑 文字起こし
日米首脳共同会見(2007/04/28) 4-4
0:38 〜
「首相官邸」トップ> 安倍総理の演説・記者会見等
President Bush and Prime Minister Abe of Japan Participate in a Joint Press Availability
For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary April 27, 2007
Camp David 場所:キャンプ・デービッド
Q A question on the wartime comfort women issue. Mr. Prime Minister, on this issue, did you explain your thoughts to President Bush, and on this matter, did you talk about further factual investigations on the matter, and any intent to apologize on the issue?
Also, a question for Mr. President on the comfort women issue. From the perspective of human rights and Asian history perceptions, I wonder if you could express your thoughts or views.
PRIME MINISTER ABE: Well, in my meeting with the congressional representatives yesterday, I explained my thoughts, and that is I do have deep-hearted sympathies that my people had to serve as comfort women, were placed in extreme hardships, and had to suffer that sacrifice; and that I, as Prime Minister of Japan, expressed my apologizes, and also expressed my apologizes for the fact that they were placed in that sort of circumstance.
The 20th century was a century that human rights were violated in many parts of the world. So we have to make the 21st century a century -- a wonderful century in which no human rights are violated. And I, myself, and Japan wish to make significant contributions to that end. And so I explained these thoughts to the President.
PRESIDENT BUSH: The comfort women issue is a regrettable chapter in the history of the world, and I accept the Prime Minister's apology. I thought it was very -- I thought his statements -- Kono's statement, as well as statements here in the United States were very straightforward and from his heart. And I'm looking forward to working with this man to lead our nations forward. And that's what we spent time discussing today.
We had a personal visit on the issue. He gave his -- he told me what was on his heart about the issue, and I appreciated his candor. And our jobs are to, obviously, learn lessons from the past. All of us need to learn lessons from the past and lead our nations forward. That's what the Prime Minister is doing in a very capable way.
ホワイトハウス公式HPでは、安倍首相の慰安婦に対する「申し訳ない」は“apologize”と訳され、それに対してブッシュ大統領は「私は安倍総理の謝罪を受け入れる“I accept the Prime Minister's apology”」と答えています。
安倍首相とオバマ大統領との初会談(現地時間2月22日)の前日、ホワイトハウス高官のダニー・ラッセル(Danny Russel)氏が「日本は『慰安婦』問題にもっと本気で取り組むべきだ」と語ったことをアメリカの外交専門誌『フォーリン・ポリシー 』が伝えています。日本では報道されていないようなので該当部分を含め一部を訳してみました。
Foreign Policy 米外交専門誌『フォーリン・ポリシー 』2013年2月21日号
White House: Japan should do more to address ‘comfort women’ issue
Thursday, February 21, 2013
On the eve of Japan's new Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to Washington, a top White House official said that Japan should do more to address lingering regional and international anger over its handling of World War II atrocities, including the forced sexual enslavement of hundreds of thousands of "comfort women."
On a conference call Thursday, The Cable asked top White House officials whether President Barack Obama believes that the Japanese government has done enough to address the comfort-women issue and whether Obama would raise the issue when he meets Abe on Friday. The top White House official dealing with Asia, National Security Council Senior Director for Asia Danny Russel, said that the impetus was on Japan to do more.
"President Obama knows full well that there are very sensitive legacy issues from the last century and believes that it's important to take steps to promote healing. So our position has always been to encourage Japan to take steps that will foster better relations, that will foster closer relations will all of its neighbors," Russel said. "At the same time, we would hope and expect that others would reciprocate to constructive and positive steps the Japanese government might take."
木曜日の電話会議の場で、ホワイトハウス高官で国家安全保障会議(NSC)のアジア担当・上級ディレクターであるダニー・ラッセル(Danny Russel)氏は、日本政府は慰安婦問題に十分に対応したと考えているかどうか尋ねられ、
Last July, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton caused a diplomatic rift between the United States and Japan when it was reported that she corrected a State Department employee during a private briefing, insisting that the term "comfort women" was incorrect and that the victims of forced prostitution in wartime Japan should instead be called "enforced sex slaves."
Russel declined to say whether Obama would raise the issue directly with Abe Friday.
"Prime Minister Abe will be here and will be addressing the public as part of his own program," Russel said. "Let's hear what he has to say when he visits Washington."
White House officials did say that Abe and Obama are likely to talk about tensions in the East China Sea, tensions in the South China Sea, Iran, Afghanistan, North Africa, North Korea, the Trans Pacific Partnership, climate change, and cyber security.
Soon after Abe's Liberal Democratic Party took control back from the Democratic Party of Japan in parliamentary elections last December, Abe's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga shocked the region by suggesting that the Abe government wanted to review the 1993 Japanese government statement apologizing for the Japanese military's treatment of the "comfort women" and acknowledging the military's role in setting up "comfort" stations during the war.
In late January, Abe backed off of Suga's remarks and said that his government was shelving plans to review the 1993 statement, which had been issued by Suga's predecessor Yohei Kono. "The matter should not be turned into a political and diplomatic issue," Abe told Japan's Lower House on Jan. 31.
"There have been many wars throughout history, involving infringement on the human rights of women," Abe said. "When it comes to the issue of comfort women, my heart aches acutely when I think about those who had to go through painful experiences beyond description. I am no different from successive prime ministers on that point."
That promise wasn't enough for some U.S. lawmakers, who issued statements Thursday calling on the Japanese government to do more to make amends.
"Japan's government must fully acknowledge, apologize for and increase awareness of its history of ‘comfort women,'" Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY) said in a statement. "These survivors of physical, sexual and psychological violence that was sanctioned by the Japanese government deserve this apology. But beyond that Japan must prove to the rest of the world that it is willing to express sincere regret for a systematic atrocity that was committed in its country's history in order to move forward as a democracy."
Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA) said in a statement Thursday that as a former inhabitant of an American internment camp during World War II, he knew from personal experience that reconciliation related to the war was only achievable through direct government action.
"Indeed, nothing is more important right now than for a democratic country like Japan to formally acknowledge and unequivocally apologize for its systematic atrocity. Government is a living, breathing organism that is responsible for its past, present and future," Honda said. "In order to move toward a more peaceful, global world, Japan must accept responsibility and apologize. The grandmothers -- those survivors of physical, sexual and psychological violence perpetuated by Japan's Imperial Army -- are still waiting for an appropriate apology."
Israel and Honda wrote a letter Feb. 20 to Japan's ambassador to Washington Kenichiro Sasae urging the Japanese government not to revise the Kono statement, as the 1993 apology is known, and also calling on the Abe government to go further in apologizing and acknowledging wrongdoing.
In 2007, the House of Representatives unanimously approved a resolution expressing the sense of the U.S. Congress that Japan should "formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner for its Imperial Armed Force's coercion of young women into sexual slavery."
Mindy Kotler, an expert on the comfort-women issue and the founder of Asia Policy Point, a non-profit organization that does research on Japan, told The Cable that the concern over the Abe government's handling of this issue goes much deeper than just the statements his aide made about revising the Kono statement.
"Abe and his supporters -- and you have to remember that 10 members of his cabinet including himself signed an ad last November that appeared in the New Jersey Star Ledger condemning the Comfort Women -- hold antiquated views of women, war, and just general human rights," she said. "Thus the problem is not about history but about a worldview that is out of touch with contemporary values and understanding. They do not engender trust, which is critical to any security situation in Asia."
記事の最後の段では、11月に米ニュージャージー州の地方紙『スター レッジャー』に掲載された「慰安婦」否定の広告に、安倍晋三氏と安倍内閣の閣僚10名が名前を連ねていることもきっちり指摘されていますね。(追記3/5)-- 最後の段では「Asia Policy Point」のミンディ・コトラー(Mindy Kotler)氏の「安倍首相と彼の支持者は、女性と戦争及び一般的な人権の把握が時代遅れな見方をしている。」「問題は単に歴史の問題ではなく、現代の価値と理解から隔たっている世界観である。彼らは信用を生まないだろう。そして、それはアジアのどんな治安情勢に対してもきわめて重大である。」というコメントが紹介されています。--(追記ここまで)
また記事の中段で紹介されている、安倍首相訪米前日に発表された、スティーブ・イスラエル下院議員(D-NY)とマイク・ホンダ下院議員(D-CA) の声明では、
『安倍首相、日本がアジア諸国に対して多大の損害と苦痛を与えたことを認める - 誰かの妄想・はてな版 』
The Washington Post ワシントン・ポスト紙 2月21日
Transcript of interview with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was interviewed Saturday.
Abe : Regarding what happened in the past, much like my predecessors, I believe that we caused tremendous damage and suffering to the countries of Asia.
That is why Japan has been providing support and assistance to the countries of Asia even from the days when Japan was still a poor country.And I believe that the path Japan has taken has been the correct path.
In the postwar years, we have attached great importance to pursuing the principles of freedom, democracy, basic human rights and the rule of law. I believe that was also a correct path.
That is why, as I said previously, we have been making a great effort to further promote these values.
My basic notion regarding the matter of historical recognition is basically, it's a matter that should be left to the good hands of historians and experts.And this is a position that I have been taking consistently ever since the first Abe government.
戦後の日本の「自由」「基本的人権」「民主主義」という基本原則を「正しい方針だと信じ」「great importance とても重視」しているはずの安倍首相が、「慰安婦」制度という、女性から「自由」も「基本的人権」も奪ったシステムを国家が「公認」し積極的に運用した問題については、連行の仕方「だけ」に矮小化する発言を繰り返しているのです。これは矛盾するでしょう。
自民党が公式に国民の基本的人権を否定し、さらに改憲案で日本国憲法第18条「何人も、いかなる奴隷的拘束も受けない」を削除してしまいました - Togetter
■ダニー・ラッセル(Danny Russel)氏の発言は「ホワイトハウス」公式サイトのブリーフィングでも確認できます。
The White House:Press Briefing on the Visit of Prime Minister Abe of Japan Via Conference Call
Reps. Israel and Honda Call on Japanese Government to Maintain Proper Awareness for ‘Comfort Women’
Concern over recent suggestion by new Japanese government to revise Japanese apology for forced sexual servitude during World War II
Rep Honda on Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's Visit to Washington
■US lawmakers warn Japan PM on 'comfort women'
AFP(フランス通信社) 2013年2月20日
■Comfort Women Historical Distortion Advertisement on a New Jersey Newspaper
安倍晋三氏が名を連ねた広告「Yes, We remember the facts」のデタラメぶりについては以下を参照。
*1:「マイク・ホンダ議員の米下院小委員会での証言 歴史的和解こそこの決議案の目的」http://www.inaco.co.jp/isaac/shiryo/comfort_women/mike_honda.htm